
Google Scholar
Department of Physics
University of Fribourg
Office: PER 08, room 2.68b

Research interests

  • strongly correlated systems
  • multiorbital physics
  • nonequilibrium dynamics

Brief résumé

Current appointment

Postdoc in the Computational Physics Group led by Prof. Philipp Werner
University of Fribourg, Switzerland
since January 2024


PhD in Physics
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland

Thesis: Electronic and magnetic properties of low-dimensional strongly correlated multiorbital systems
Supervisor: Jacek Herbrych
October 2019—November 2023
MSc in Physics
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland

Thesis: Spin transport in disordered Hubbard chains with broken SU(2) symmetry
Supervisor: Marcin Mierzejewski
October 2014—July 2019


  1. Instability of subdiffusive spin dynamics in strongly disordered Hubbard chain
    M. Środa, P. Prelovšek, and M. Mierzejewski
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 121110(R) (2019)   |   arXiv:1903.03770
  2. Resistivity and its fluctuations in disordered many-body systems: From chains to planes
    M. Mierzejewski, M. Środa, J. Herbrych, and P. Prelovšek
    Phys. Rev. B 102, 161111(R) (2020)   |   arXiv:2003.00495
  3. Interaction-induced topological phase transition and Majorana edge states in low-dimensional orbital-selective Mott insulators
    J. Herbrych, M. Środa, G. Alvarez, M. Mierzejewski, and E. Dagotto
    Nat. Commun. 12, 2955 (2021)   |   arXiv:2011.05646
  4. Quantum magnetism of iron-based ladders: Blocks, spirals, and spin flux
    M. Środa, E. Dagotto, and J. Herbrych
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 045128 (2021)   |   arXiv:2105.04391
  5. Hund bands in spectra of multiorbital systems
    M. Środa, J. Mravlje, G. Alvarez, E. Dagotto, and J. Herbrych
    Phys. Rev. B 108, L081102 (2023)   |   arXiv:2210.11209
  6. Transition to the Haldane phase driven by electron-electron correlations
    A. Jażdżewska, M. Mierzejewski, M. Środa, A. Nocera, G. Alvarez, E. Dagotto, and J. Herbrych
    Nat. Commun. 14, 8524 (2023)   |   arXiv:2304.11154
  7. High-resolution nonequilibrium GW calculations based on quantics tensor trains
    M. Środa, K. Inayoshi, H. Shinaoka, and P. Werner

Conferences, workshops, visits

  1. Talk at the University of Tennessee during a visit to the Correlated Electrons Group, March 2020, Knoxville TN (USA).
  2. Bad Honnef Physics School: Tensor Network based approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems, October 2020, Bad Honnef (Germany), on-line attendance.
  3. APS March Meeting 2021, (Virtual).
  4. FOR1807 International Conference 2021, September 2021, Göttingen (Germany), on-line attendance.
  5. APS March Meeting 2022, Chicago IL (USA).
  6. Visit to the Jožef Stefan Institute, May 2022, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
  7. Physics By The Lake 2022: UK Graduate School in Condensed Matter Theory, August 2022, Stirling (United Kingdom).
  8. APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas NV (USA).
  9. Visit to the Jožef Stefan Institute, July 2023, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
  10. Trends in the Theory of Quantum Materials 2024, June 2024, Fribourg (Switzerland).
  11. tensor4all meeting 2024, July 2024, Vienna (Austria).
  12. 13th Nonequilibrium Quantum Workshop, December 2024, Krvavec (Slovenia).